7 Things to Consider in Choosing the Best Web Hosting Company

When you choose a product, you tend to make a tough decision because you need to consider more than just one facet. It is similar when it comes to choosing the best web hosting company. There are a lot of companies offering almost the same offers which adds to your dilemma in deciding what to choose. But, how can you really decide which is which? What are the things you need to consider?

How to choose the Best Web Hosting Company?

It is very significant that you should consider factors when it comes to deciding what best web hosting company suits your needs. Aside from the technical side, you should as well consider the outer core of what is being offered. Here are some points that may help you on what to consider:

#1 Value

The first thing that one would first consider when buying a product is knowing the price before anything else. Of course, it should not be the sole reason to affect your decision. Choosing a product with the price as the basis is not really a good idea. Do not choose the cheapest offer just because you think you can save money, it is not how it works. You need to take into consideration the features with what the company offers. If your site includes rich contents and as well as videos, do not settle for the cheapest hosting package. It tend to not have the features that are necessary to run your website smoothly and give an amazing performance.

Learn to compare what the company can provide before you jump into comparing the prices.

#2 Specialty

Different web hosts have different offers for different customers. There are web hosts that have an area of focus. If you are into business, you need to look for a web host that best suit works in that specific area. But first, you need to settle and know what kind of website are you building.

You can read a lot of recommendations online regarding the web hosting companies that you may want  to consider. It will be good to know the company’s weaknesses and strengths as well before you decide to take the offers.

#3 Server Reliability

You can track your web host with available server monitor tools that are very friendly to use. Knowing the server reliability of your web host is important. There are sites that compares uptime records of their sites. This will help you track the reliability of the server to ensure that your web host can give what suits your site.

#4 Additional Features

This is where you can tell how a hosting company differs from one another. You need to consider what additional features do the web provider offers. It could be about the free domain privacy or regular data backups especially that there are times when your site crashes. You should also see if the hosting companies have more to offer than just servers. If you happen to choose the best web hosting company who does regular backups, you would not have to worry.

In addition, you should also consider their email feature. There are hosting companies who allows you to host your own email. If ever it is not provided, you do not have to fret. There are still a lot of options such as Google Email Apps for example.

Aside from that, take into consideration if the company offers 24/7 live chat support. Some people prefers a web hosting company that have a comprehensive documentation so you can just read and solve the problems yourself.

Consider the features that really fits and you importantly need for your website.

#5 Graphics User Interface

You should also consider the appearance of your control panel. It is important to choose a web host that has a very functional and user-friendly control panel. If you happen to have chosen a web host with an adequate panel, it will be tough for you. You would not want to call the support line of your hosting company for simple changes that you want to do. There is various panels that you can consider: cPanel or plesk or other third party control panels.

#6 Reviews from Customers

The good thing about nowadays is you get to know a lot of opinions from the customers online. It will be good to read tons of reviews from different customer perspectives. Know what the positive and negative aspects were they able to encounter with the hosting provider. Another advantage of today with the hype of social media is you get to ask questions to company directly.

#7 Future Growth

Lastly, you need to look for a hosting provider that suits your future plans. You should consider if what you need now from your hosing provider will still be needed in years from now.



Ryan Jacob: Ryan Jacob has 9 years of rich experience in Integrated Marketing Communications and Server Management. He has lead teams of professionals in his career and built online and offline reputation of organizations.