Bluehost Coupon for $2.95/month and Why It’s the Best for Starters

Bluehost coupon for $2.95 a month!  Hi there folks! I guess you were searching for Bluehost Coupon code right? Well if you are pretty confident with picking Bluehost as your web host, then you could just claim the Bluehost deal below right away.

…BUT well, if you need some convincing, I’ll tell you why this is the best for starters. I know you’re tired of reading articles with biased ratings on hosts just because they earn more from those coupons.

Bluehost Coupon – Huge Discount

Step by Step Guide to Avail the Bluehost Discount

Step 1: You can activate your Bluehost coupon by clicking the blue button.  You do not need to apply any coupon code at Bluehost, it will automatically get applied to you.  This is the best Bluehost discount available in the market.

Step 2: Click on the green Get Started Now button to sign up.

Step 3: After that, choose among the plan that suits your requirements and then click on select.

Step 4: A window will then pop-out asking for your domain name, so you will have to fill it up.

Step 5: You will then be lead to a secure page to fill in your billing and personal information. You can then confirm your chosen hosting plan and you can select any extra features that you would like to add.

Step 6: After filling out the form, you will then be asked to enter your payment information and agree to the terms of service and as well as other policies. Then, click Submit to finally purchase your desired hosting plan. That’s it!

Just be reminded that the billing option for Bluehost is done for 12, 24 and as well as 36 months, depending on your preference. So, do not just look for the offers, think over the things that you want to do and have for your website. With this, you will be able to get the most out of the Bluehost discount codes.

Anyway, Why Bluehost Hosting?

TL;DR, Bluehost is one of the best picks this year 2018 for shared hosting most especially because of it’s price, high-tier service, FREE Domain, and no other hidden charges. As for starters, going for shared hosting would be the best. Suggested for 1-20 Websites.

#1 – Price

Get Bluehost hosting for $2.95/month! That is correct, you get the quality Bluehost hosting service starting at $2.95 a month!

Alright, first of all, especially to starters, we mostly care about the price right? As long as it gives good service and it has more than 99.97% up time, then that’s it! So let’s check our top 3 suggested hosting sites and compare their prices. As you have seen above, our Bluehost coupon code gives you a discount of 64%, from $7.99 to $2.95/mo but with a FREE DOMAIN so lesser hassle with processing.

a. BigRock – 24% Discount – $1.20/mo – $9.99 Domain/yr;

b. SiteGround – 60% Discount- $1.58/mo – $14.99 Domain/yr;

c. HostGator – 30% Discount- $3.47/mo -$15 Domain/yr;

Among all of these four, it’s clear who gives the best promotional discount among them all.

#2 – Up Time

“What was that, as long as it gives good service and it has more than 99.70% up time, about?”

You really don’t wanna get your website go down especially during your peak hours or do you? Even as starters, we care about those small digits behind 99%. We don’t just wanna buy cheap stuff and get cheap services. Let’s make sure how good this Bluehost hosting Site is. According to HostingFacts Pingdom Account, Bluehost Shared Hosting has an uptime of 99.97%! (As of August 2017)

How about the others?

a. BigRock – According to, which is a site about hosting statistics, the worse they had this August 2017 was 99.82% uptime: 87/480 Samples in San Jose. Still at 99.70+% so that’s still good.

b. SiteGround – During the year 2017, it had the best among them. According to BestHostRating, it has almost 100% uptime for the past few months in 2017. We had GoDaddy, HostGator, Bluehost who had the top spot for the best services before, but now this one took the spotlight. I say, you still pick Bluehost if you are a starter but then try this one out too if you’re already making lots of websites and a large fan base.

c. HostGator – Also 100% uptime as Siteground this 2017. No wonder, it has been popular for the past few years. Also, aside from the fact that it gives good service, it has a cute alligator logo which made it easy to remember.

It’s clear that with this criteria, Bluehost isn’t the best, but of course, it is still on our top list and still the easiest to start with.

#3 – PING!

Ping is the time for the host to load your website. For August 2017, Bluehost has a response time of 2058ms which is around 2 seconds. This is still according to’s Pingdom account. That is Grade B (Good) if you check it with yourself.

a. BigRock – Erm. We don’t really have data for this. But if you have a website hosted in a BigRock Shared Hosting Account, feel free to share it in the comments below. 🙂 The picture above is just a sample of how to ping it. I pinged it today 8/24/2017, but this is most probably hosted on their cloud hosting and not shared hosting.

b. SiteGround – 780ms, reference:;

c. HostGator – 983 ms, reference:;

These are still for the month of August. Still, in this criteria, we noticed that they aren’t the best, but they surely would fix that. 2s isn’t that bad anyway.

#4 – Suggested By WordPress Itself

On’s Hosting Tab, Bluehost has been the first one mentioned by WordPress to be their partner hosting site. Bluehost is one of the oldest hosting sites that started during 2003 and had a good reputation since then. They just went lie low nowadays, maybe that’s why they didn’t have Grade A ping on Shared Hosting Accounts.

#5 – Control Panel

Neat. It doesn’t look too modern, but if you prefer simplicity, then this one is for you. Contrary to other hosting control panels they have sidebars, but this one doesn’t have.

Final Words

Convinced? Well, take the Bluehost coupon code below!

Thanks to Hosting Fact’s Honest Bluehost Review for the ideas and information. Out of all the reviews about Bluehost in Google, we found them to be the most accurate. The difference between my review and theirs is that I tend to show more about the bright side of using Bluehost.

If you have complaints, or any problem while using Bluehost discount coupon, feel free to comment below.



Ryan Jacob: Ryan Jacob has 9 years of rich experience in Integrated Marketing Communications and Server Management. He has lead teams of professionals in his career and built online and offline reputation of organizations.