Choosing the web-hosting provider for your blog or website is a comparatively tedious task, especially when we have to take the increasing number of hosting provider ventures into account. The best way to solve the problem is to seek advice from experienced bloggers and internet marketers, who are already familiar with web-hosting. Bluehost will obviously be in their suggestions because the famous web-hosting provider has a huge number of clients, including some of the giants of web world. In this Bluehost review, we would look into each and every section of Bluehost hosting services. Hope this Bluehost review will help every newbie, who is stepping into the blogging or web development world. But before that, a brief overview on Bluehost as well as different services is provided.
Bluehost Review of Hosting Services
Bluehost is one top-notch web-hosting provider, having a strong and long list of clients, including famous web giants. The company, founded in 1996, currently powers around 1.9 million domains, which is, of course, an impressive number. In these years, through its exceptional talented service providing team, Bluehost has ensured its position in the top-hosting-provider list. Now, as the main part of this Bluehost review, we will be checking out the top features of Bluehost web hosting services.
Bluehost Hosting Features
- Unlimited storage space, Bandwidth
- Ability to host unlimited domain names
- Unlimited email accounts
- Free Domain name registration
- Integrated instant site-builder and quick installation scripts
- Ability to host unlimited sub domains
- Advertisement credits such as $100 AdWords credit
Advantages of Bluehost Hosting
- Bluehost offers impressive customer support that can help you fix both technical and non-technical issues that you might have to confront while using Bluehost servers.
- Bluehost makes use of a customized version of cPanel, which is one of the popular and intuitive solutions for server management. This customized version is better than the original one when you consider its user interface.
- When you want to create a website in a shorter time, say a few seconds, the instant site-builder of Bluehost control panel will be definitely helpful.
- Bluehost offers anytime money-back guarantee, meaning that they will give your money back (for unused period) to you whenever you cancel their service.
Simplicity Always Makes Sense
Obviously, it seems like Bluehost has understood the fact of being simple and has imparted this in its service. The beauty of simplicity ranges from its website to the dashboard of their service. In that aspect, services offered by Bluehost keeps a track of clean and simple usability. Hence, using the dashboard of your Bluehost hosting account is an easier job when compared to other web-hosting providers, as the company has kept everything in an extremely elegant manner.
Of course, this simplicity has helped the service in these 15 years. In this Bluehost review, we would like to accentuate that the power of simplicity has attracted many bloggers and web developers into Bluehost by neglecting all other choices.
Hosting Plans Offered by Bluehost
Though it may sound a bit expensive on first glance, the price tags of Bluehost hosting services will seem quite reasonable when you analyse the featured offered. Like many other hosting providers, Bluehost has three different shared hosting plans. You can compare and choose the best suitable plan as per your needs. In the ‘plus’ shared hosting plan, you will get features such as unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited domains, $50 Facebook Ads credit, $50 Twitter credit, Google AdWords credits, free website builder etc. in a truly reasonable price. Hence, we guess, the ‘plus’ hosting plan of Bluehost should be emphasized in this Bluehost review. Obviously, it is a great deal for newbies. Don’t forget to use Bluehost coupon codes to get discount on Bluehost hosting plans.
Note: Along with the ‘starter’ and ‘plus’ shared hosting plans, Bluehost also offers the ‘business pro’ hosting plan. If your sites need more resources, then this plan is suitable for you. Read this article for more details: Choosing Between Bluehost Pro and Standard Shared Hosting.
Reliability – The Word Is Enough
Just like all other top web hosting providers, Bluehost is also offering 99.99% uptime, in spite of the fact that you can hardly see your website/blog down, while using Bluehost. The major reason for the reliability of Bluehost is the powerful data centres, which are operated by Bluehost itself. As per the record, Bluehost consists of three data centers, which, when combined, is able to provide quality and seamless performance to each website/blog.
Furthermore, it seems like Bluehost is confident about their service to a deeper extent. In case you think that Bluehost hosting services are not enough for powering your website, you can cancel the account and they will return you the money in next second. In addition to that, according to various experience by bloggers, Bluehost serves top-notch quality and performance for their services, resulting in less load time.
Useful Add-ons
For making the website management easier than usual, Bluehost has integrated some truly useful features in their hosting plans. Using these add-ons, you can easily install CMSs and other platforms in your server using single click. As you can guess, the list of supported CMSs include your favorites such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla etc. You can try all these features using the demo of cPanel dashboard.
Customer Support
Bluehost is also famous for its quality customer service team, who can help you all the time for fixing technical and non-technical issues; you might face during the use of service. You can either make use of the live chat or call them.
As reference, you could check these testimonial pages talking about Bluehost: Featured Host’s User Testimonials. Though, as of late 2017, bluehost performance has dropped a lot and it seems like the new king of hosting providers is Siteground. The good news is we also have a coupon for you if you want Siteground.
- Free Domain Name helps users cut down your budget incredibly;
- 45 days money back guarantee and anytime money back guarantee for unused period;
- Easy-to-use cPanel;
- Quick installation scripts for CMS installation;
- Comparatively high Server Performance;
- $100 Google Advertising Credits.
- For those who are accustomed to standard design of cPanel, customized one will be a bit hard;
- Although excellent, customer support is a bit slow.
Reflecting on all that we said earlier in this Bluehost review, Bluehost seems like an optimum choice for a newbie web developer or blogger. What do you think about the service? Do let us know via the comments.
Related Readings : Bluehost Review Discount Link , Bluehost Coupon Codes,