HostGator Vs. GoDaddy: Clash of the Web Hosting Titans

A website is just as good as its host. It feels, behave and images just the moves of the web host on which it’s mounted. Hence choosing the best is just an assurance of quality and some good business. Currently there are multiple hosts, for you to choose from and here we try to make it easier by a face-off between the two most widely used web hosts.

The comparison is made based on the most basic features that make a difference to your site and to your pocket!

#1: HostGator Vs. GoDaddy Round 1: Performance

Both HostGator and GoDaddy invest millions of buck to give you maximum uptime and more than average speed. However, they are both different from each other not just by the name but also by their very basic hardware configurations.

HostGator has the robust Dual Xeon servers in their data center with more than 12,000 servers under management connected to 10 backbone providers equipped with Linux x86 operating systems. GoDaddy on the other hand runs on Core i7 processors providing an option to choose between Linux and Windows OS. Comparing the Dual Xeon and Core i7 you can see that Dual Xeon is more suitable for server type compatibility while Core i7 are better for desktop purposes and hence gives a +1 to HostGator. That was more about their hardware, lets now have a look at speed test, uptime and benchmark test results:

  1. Speed Test  Results: HostGator amazes, when it loads within a second and outshines GoDaddy which has an average load time of 2 seconds.
  2. Uptime Report: Although both the hosts boast about 99% uptime, recent outages on GoDaddy make us doubt the claim, while the HostGator has been more close to its claim.
  3. Benchmark Test Results: In the GtBenchmark tests, HostGator beats GoDaddy with a margin of more than 3 seconds at various occasions.

Score Card:

HostGator: +1

GoDaddy: 0

#2:  HostGator Vs. GoDaddy Round 2: Look and Feel (UI and Control Panel)

HostGator uses cPanel, the most widely used control panel making the usage a cheesecake for even the first timers. The features are elaborate and advanced for the advanced webmasters and self explanatory and easy to understand for the freshmen of the web world.

GoDaddy, on the other hand uses Plex, the second most widely used control panel second to only cPanel. Plex can run on both Linux and Windows OS, and hence is a benefit depending on the infrastructure of your Website, but again is of little help if you are a newcomer and it’s your first website.

Another +1 to HostGator on behalf of every newcomer in the website business.

Score Card:

HostGator: +1 +1

GoDaddy: 0+0

#3:  HostGator Vs. GoDaddy Round 3: Package and Cost (Plans, Features and Price)

This Round explains why both of these web hosts are so close competitors in the market. The plans that they provide is similar in terms of costing and features.

At HostGator, you get three plans to choose from Hatchling, Baby and Business.  Hatchling and Baby are the same with the only difference in the fact that hatchling allows only one domain while with Baby you can have unlimited domains.

GoDaddy uses the name Economy, Deluxe and Unlimited to serve the near same business. Economy provides a single domain with 100GB space while both Deluxe and Unlimited have unlimited space and domains. GoDaddy also supports Business Class hosting with 5 different websites and 250,000 monthly visitors on it while HostGator serves a business plan with one dedicated IP.

A plus one to both for clear nice and competitive packages and slight differences in renew plans.

Score Card:

HostGator: +1 +1+1

GoDaddy: 0+0+1

#4: HostGator Vs. GoDaddy Round 4: Support and Assistance

All you need after paying for the services promises is a team with the ability to prompt response to your grievances. Their is no point in staying in queue without resolution or updates on your issues. HostGator has a brilliant ticketing system where you can see the prompt response about your queries. GoDaddy fails miserably here, as they have no such tracking tools or on-chat support so more often you are lost about what is happening to solve your concern.

Hence a clear and loud +1 to HostGator for that awesome teamwork.

Score Card:

HostGator: +1 +1+1+1

GoDaddy: 0+0+1+0

So the winner is!

With the above analysis and the game, I saw between the two, HostGator wins with a huge Margin of 4x points.

Final Score Card:

HostGator: +1 +1+1+1 = 4

GoDaddy: 0+0+1+0 =1

GoDaddy might be a great hosting company and with the amount that they are spending on commercials, it may also be a more known name, but it has a long way to go before it tries to outshine HostGator. Below you find what makes me say this with a lot of confidence:-

  • HostGator has better and more reliable assistance and support systems that you will need the most when in a fix.
  • If you are a new name in the website world , you get just the right and a very easy experience with HostGator’s UI and control Panel, motivating you to make new websites and stay longer and stronger in the market.
  • The cost is near the same , so HostGator is a Value-for-money Deal.
  • Uptime and Speed test give you the exact figures of why HostGator is better to use, than GoDaddy and how it makes your website more available and faster.

In case you still chose or have already chosen GoDaddy, pin in your comments, enlighten me with your experience, and if you are a proud HostGator consumer share your feedback and back me up! Kudos to all!

May the Best Host Serve!



Ryan Jacob: Ryan Jacob has 9 years of rich experience in Integrated Marketing Communications and Server Management. He has lead teams of professionals in his career and built online and offline reputation of organizations.