Is your WordPress hosting provider giving you frustrations? Or you are not even sure if it is already time to switch host? Most of beginners in the world wide web tends to be afraid of trying things, even switching hosts. This is because of lacking technical knowledge to transfer a website without obtaining any possible downtime. In this certain article, we will walk you through several tips on knowing when to change WordPress web hosting.
Tips on Knowing when to Change WordPress Web Hosting
There are several tips for you in knowing when to change WordPress web hosting. If you do it alone, without reading blogs with regard to it, then you might find the whole process hard. However, with these following tips that we are going to give you, you might finally have a decision if you will stay in your current WordPress web hosting or not. Most of them are already obvious but we will still go into details for further knowledge. Without further ado, here are the tips on knowing when to change WordPress web hosting:
Unexpected Downtimes
In the world wide web, downtimes are absolutely bad for your websites’ overall reputation, be it in traffic, SEO rankings and others. Because who would want to visit a website that does not open even for a longer time, isn’t it?
Since you surely do not visit your website 24/7, how do you tell when your website is down? It will be hard to know especially without utilizing monitoring service. Good thing there are services available in the web today that will help you monitor the uptime of your website for free.
When we say uptime, it refers to the server system being online. On the other hand, the downtime is the time when the server is cannot be reached. Considering this, if ever you see 99% uptime of our website, this just simply means that your website experiences minor outages in that particular month.
If ever downtime occurs, you can just simply ask the hosting support staff. If ever this method is not convincing, then it is time for you to move now.
Cannot Establish Connection to Database
With this kind of case, the support of your host will be able to help you. However, if they are unable to do so, then you should look for another to ask for help.
Strange Internal Server Error
When you keep on receiving this kind of error, well, it might be a bad sign. If you happen to have contacted the web host’s support and still did not get the solution or it keeps on occurring, then it is time for you to think the web host over. This is when you should consider changing your WordPress web hosting provider.
Site Suspension
However, there are other hosting companies which would suspend accounts even without notifications for overages.
One thing that you should know is that your host should care about your site. You are trusting them with your virtual real-estate so you should at least you should be honored with it. So, if your WordPress web hosting provider just suddenly suspends you website without notifying you, then, you really need to interact with them.
If after or during the conversation, you still do not get the right feeling, then it is time for you to change your WordPress web hosting provider.
Aside from that, be reminded to keep backups of your website. Some of hosts tend to hold your data hostage.
No Good Customer Support Service
Considering this, having a good customer service, therefore, is very crucial when it comes to web hosting.
When you happen to experience trouble, you would tend to approach your web hosting support staff. You need to take note of their service. Ask yourself questions with regard to their service: Are they being helpful for you? Is your web hosting support staff quick to give response?
There are some hosts which would simply deny assisting if you are with WordPress. They would claim how their support policy does not cover the software. If this is the case, you do not get to have good support, then it is time for you to move.
Very Slow Page Speed
Too many users on the server or too many requests commonly causes slow page speed. In this kind of case, your web hosting provider should be able to help you point out why your website is running slow.
The host will ask for you to upgrade your plan if ever there already too many users on the server. On the other hand, if there are too many requests, then few can actually be fixed through tweaks. It could be done by further optimizing the server or you personally have to remove a plugin.
Your Website might be Outgrowing your Host
If you are one of those who are keen into blogging for a long while, then there is a possibility that your website will outgrow your web host. The common idea of a Shared hosting platform is sharing the server resources with vast number of websites as well that are hosted on the same server. Though you can limit and control the resources by using third-party plugins, you will, however, have no control over what the other websites are doing.
In cases where your website is a lot busier than the other hosted websites, it might actually be the cause that some of the websites will slow down. With this in consideration, some shared hosting providers might really start to think terminating your resources from the server even without any warning.
Outgrowing your host is most likely to happen if you find yourself spending more time with explaining the problem into your web host’s customer support. If this happens, then you really need to consider changing WordPress web host. Do not keep yourself from experiencing this kind of issue over and over again. There are already a lot of web hosting providers that offers more than your current web host offers. You just have to go and look over the internet and be sure to read more than one reviews of each web hosting providers. Compare the services they offer and the quality of services that they can provide.
Final Thoughts
In the world of blogging, WordPress is one of the most popular sites that they go into. If you have reached this point of the article, then you might already have an idea on whether you are to consider when to change WordPress web hosting. Those indicators will definitely help you tell when to change WordPress web hosting. Most of the issues mentioned obviously tells. Now, it is up to you to decide and choose what other WordPress web hosting would suit your needs and can provide the services that you would want from them.
Are you looking for the best host to provide rock-solid uptime, can deal even difficult scenarios and offers the best support? Then you might want to try Bluehost. It is one of the most popular web host providers in the market today. Aside from that, Hostgator, BigRock, and iPage are also up in the line that offers almost the same services. Those web hosting providers offers variety of plans for WordPress. Most of them offers the most recommendable plans that gives you the best features that you would definitely need. The acknowledged web hosting partner of WordPress is Bluehost and a lot of satisfied client have already expressed their sentiments.