When it comes to choosing the best web hosting service provider, we tend to consult the clients or surf the internet for reviews. From there, you get to assess which is the web hosting service provider that best suits you. You have a wide range of web hosting service providers that you can choose from: HostGator, Bluehost, and SiteGround to name a few. However, when you avail the services of the web hosting service provider, you might want to transfer later on. Changing from web hosting company to another is a hassle task, but it doesn’t have to cause any complication. In this article, we will be giving you tips on how to transfer to another web hosting service provider.
1. Be sure to backup your website
In addition, you don’t need to not just backup the visual files, but you also need to record the important information. The details such as email boxes, software, security settings and as well as the configuration information should be noted.
2. Select a suitable web hosting service provider
Related Reading: Best Web Hosting Providers
3. Upload all your website files
4. Alter domain name record
You can now proceed with updating your domain name information with the name server information of your new web hosting company. With this move, you will have your DNS servers to point to the new hosting service. Note that it may take a while before it takes effect and not all will also bee able to see the change at the same time. It may take from 2 to 3 days.
5. Cancel you account from old web hosting provider
After doing the steps above, be sure to cancel you old web hosting account. This is an important step as it removes your domain name from the old service providers DNS servers. With this, your clients or visitors will be able to see your new site rather than the old one.