Uninstall WordPress From HostGator

HostGator is one of the known web hosting providers that has a good relation with WordPress, which makes it easier for customers to utilize WordPress. However as convenient as WordPress is, some clients may want to remove WordPress or reinstall it manually. So whatever the reason may be, we are going to learn How to Uninstall WordPress From HostGator.

Uninstall WordPress From HostGator

Here are the following steps to manually uninstall WordPress from HostGator.

STEP 1: Login Into cPanel

The first thing you need to be would be to log in into your cPanel that is associated with your HostGator account.

STEP 2: Go To “File Manager” From The Dashboard

Once you successfully logged in your cPanel. In the cPanel dashboard look for “Files” section scroll a little bit below find the “File Manager” and click it.

STEP 3: File Manager Window

Upon opening the file manager window you will see a left pane find the “public_HTML” and click on its plus sign. From there you open the domain name file which is associated with WordPress that you wanted to delete.

STEP 4: Before Deleting Copy The Database Name From The wp-config.php

Once you found the domain file folder that is associated to the WordPress you decided to delete. Before progressing to deletion process, first of all find the “wp-config.php” file select it and press “code editor” from the top pane. Once the file is opened you will see a code where you need to find the database name which is in the first lines of the code where the line starts as “define” with a parenthesis with two quoted parameters and the first one should be called “DB_Name”.

The code looks will look like this as an example

define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘example_name_of_the_database’);

Remember the text next to the ‘DB_NAME’ that is also quoted or copy it to a notepad in the meantime. This will be used later for the database deletion.

STEP 5: Delete Files

Now that we got what we all need, we can proceed to finally deleting the files.

Click select all from the folder of the domain where WordPress was used and click “Delete” afterwards then confirm whatever deletion confirmation they will show.

STEP 6: Back To cPanel Dash And Go To “My SQL Databases”

Do not logout the cPanel just yet. Go back to the cPanel dashboard and scroll down below to find a “Database” section then find the “My SQL Databases” and open it.

STEP 7: List Of Databases

Upon opening it you should be able to see a list of database for all the websites that is being used from your HostGator account. Now remember STEP 4 now this is where what we did at that step pays off. From where you listed the “database name” down or if ever you just remembered the exact name of it without mistake, look for the same name from the list and once you found it. Click on the “Delete Database” button right next to the database name. And that is our final step.

We are done. In just 7 steps we managed to remove WordPress from HostGator manually through cPanel. Now that we have learned the one of the ways to remove WordPress lets learn about another way to How to Uninstall WordPress From HostGator.

Removing WordPress Through Fantastico

There is another way which is quite popular to remove WordPress from HostGator that is through Fantastico. Here are the following steps to uninstall WordPress from HostGator through Fantastico.

STEP 1: Login Into cPanel

The first thing you need to be would be to log in into your cPanel that is associated with your HostGator account.

STEP 2: Go To “Fantastico De Luxe” From The Dashboard

Once you successfully logged in your cPanel. In the cPanel dashboard scroll down and look for “Software and Services” section find the “Fantastico De Luxe” and click it.

STEP 3: List Of Application

Once the Fantastico window is opened it will showcase a list of the applications that you have for HostGator. Look for WordPress from the left side pane and click it.

STEP 4: Your List Of Website That Use WordPress

After clicking the WordPress from the left side pane respectively in the right side pane it will show the list of your websites that use WordPress with a “Remove” each one of it. Press the “Remove” link for the designated WordPress site that you’d like to remove.

Just wait until it completely uninstalls and you receive a confirmation of its removal. Now, we are done with how to remove WordPress through Fantastico.


Regardless on the reasons of why would you would uninstall or remove WordPress. Hopefully, this guide managed to enlighten you about how to uninstall WordPress from HostGator.



Ryan Jacob: Ryan Jacob has 9 years of rich experience in Integrated Marketing Communications and Server Management. He has lead teams of professionals in his career and built online and offline reputation of organizations.